Day 1,511
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,511

It’s been a dreary rainy day here in the Adirondacks.

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Day 1,510
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,510

Nico is proud of his mom’s gardens.

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Day 1,509
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,509

Sometimes, it’s good to just stand among the flowers and enjoy the world around us.

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Day 1,508
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,508

Nico’s fur looks black at first, but he’s actually very dark brown with patches of black.

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Day 1,507
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,507

Nico has his ears folded back, streamlined for maximum speed.

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Day 1,506
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,506

I’m not sure there is anything cuter than Nico’s face among tall ferns.

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Day 1,505
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,505

Major storms were rolling through the area today.

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Day 1,503
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,503

Nico was much more engaged with being a test subject for a new camera this evening.

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Day 1,502
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,502

We’re testing out a new camera, and Nico is sleeping on the job.

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Day 1,501
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,501

Playing in the water is the best way to beat the heat.

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Day 1,500
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,500

With a project like this, nice round numbers often precipitate a moment of reflection.

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Day 1,499
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,499

Nico decided to take it easy with the hot, humid weather today.

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Day 1,498
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,498

Nico had a good retrieving session in Lower Saranac Lake today.

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Day 1,497
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,497

Nico and I went to the farmers market this morning to work on his training.

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Day 1,496
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,496

Nico was a bit disappointed that he didn’t get to swim this evening.

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Day 1,495
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,495

Nico was home alone all day, which always motivated me to do something exciting with him in the evening.

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Day 1,494
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,494

Nico was home alone for a bit of the day, and as soon as I got him, he ran out to this sunny spot in the grass and laid down.

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Day 1,493
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,493

It looks like he’s lifting his leg to pee, but in reality, he’s just a weirdo.

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Day 1,492
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,492

The rain brings out a whole new array of smells.

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