Adirondack Junk Railcars
In the fall of 2017 Iowa Pacific Holdings LLC decided to start storing railcars on a line it leases along the Hudson and Boreas Rivers running north towards Tahawus. The cars were a mix of junk passenger cars and outdated tank cars. Many local government leaders and environmental groups opposed the storage of these cars on the line. Together, these groups pushed New York State and Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (they owned most of the cars) to stop the storage of the cars.
Project Overview
I captured images of the cars and surrounding area to provide to local government and environmental groups (Adirondack Council, Protect the Adirondacks, & Adirondack Mountain Club) to aid in their efforts to oppose the storage of these cars in the Adirondack Park and on the NYS Forest Preserve.
Adirondack Council - Buffett Pulls Used Train Cars Out of the Adirondacks - Threats and opportunities exist in 2018
Adirondack Explorer - January/February 2018 Cover Image
Adirondack Explorer - Company agrees to remove stored tank cars from Adirondacks.
Adirondack Explorer - Is rail car storage violating Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers System Act?
Times Union - Schumer joins calls to stop Adirondack rail car storage
WAMC Northeast Public Radio - Berkshire Hathaway agrees to remove stored rail cars from Adirondacks
Times Union - Idle oil tankers attract critics
IEEE - Tank Car Storage: Rarely Popular with Locals
Adirondack Explorer - More tank cars roll into Adirondack Park
These images were used in campaigns by the environmental groups, most notably the Adirondack Council, to pressure both the state and Warren Buffett to end the storage of these cars. The images also appeared in several news articles covering this topic. A campaign led by the Adirondack Council successfully resulted in Berkshire Hathaway (owned by Warren Buffett) pulling out the cars they own.
More work is likely need ahead. Iowa Pacific has expressed intentions to bring in cars from other owners in the future.

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Project Images