A Photo A Day For Life
On May 11th, 2020 I started the biggest photography project of my life, to photograph my dog every day of his life. This project stems from the Bonus Day photo series I created as a means of saying goodbye to my previous dog as he fought and lost a battle with cancer. Rather than a sad story of saying goodbye, this is a story of a young dog growing and experiencing life. Each photo is meant to be a reminder to celebrate the joys in life and those around you. Follow me on Facebook to see each photo as they happen or check out the galleries below.

Help me continue this work by supporting this project with a donation. Your contributions help me to keep this project going. We’re just getting started!
Project Galleries
There are too many images to show all in one gallery. Below you will find galleries grouped into 100 photos.
Day 1 - 100
On May 11th, 2020, we adopted our dog, Nico. That afternoon I snapped a photo of him in a park on our drive home from Vermont. That was Day 1. This photo series is meant to celebrate a dog’s life. One photo each day for his entire life. This is a photo story being written in real-time that is meant to remind folks to enjoy and love those around them. This project was inspired by a series that celebrated the life of our previous dog after he was diagnosed with aggressive cancer.
This is the first 100 days of Nico’s life with us. You can watch him meet his first dog friends, be introduced to boating, learn to swim, go on his first paddleboard adventure, get a DNA test to learn his breed, and mature into a young adult dog. View gallery.
Day 101 - 200
This gallery covers the second 100 days of the A Photo A Day For Life series of our dog Nico. Nico experienced his first camping trip, fall foliage, and first snowfall. Each photo reminds us to enjoy all that life has to offer and love those around you. View gallery.
Day 201 - 300
This gallery covers the third 100 days of the A Photo A Day For Life series of our dog Nico. Nico helped pick out and cut down his first Christmas tree, learned to love snow, went skijoring for the first time, helped rescue an abused cat, sniffed a bouquet of roses, and played with friends. Each day is a reminder to love and enjoy life. View gallery.
Day 301 - 400
This gallery covers the fourth 100 days of the A Photo A Day For Life series of our dog Nico. Nico celebrated his first birthday, went ice fishing for the first time, worked on his snowball catching skills, went on a dinner date with a good friend, celebrated his one year anniversary with Shelly and I, hung out with dog friends, and spent lots of time at camp. Each photo is a reminder to find that one part of everyday that is positive, it’s always there, even if it seems hard to find. Having a dog helps :-) View gallery.
Day 401 - 500
This gallery covers the fifth 100 days of the A Photo A Day For Life series of our dog Nico. Nico spent lots of time at our family camp, became more comfortable swimming, went campiing, and helped supervise the initial stages of constructing a shed. View gallery.
Nico surveying his new domain.