I focus on conservation photography projects that make an impact.
Eagle Mountain Preserve
I captured images of a 2,434 acre parcel of land in the eastern Adirondacks for the Northeast Wilderness Trust to help with a capital campaign to purchase this land and preserve it as Wilderness. The campaign was successful and in 2019 the Eagle Mountain Preserve was formed.
NY Alpine Plants
This project is meant to benefit the Adirondack Summit Stewardship Program by providing them with high-quality professional photographs of the plants that around found in the alpine ecosystem. Many thousands of people visit these summits each year and the Stewards work hard to protect the plants, allowing the visitors to enjoy this special place while simultaneously conserving this rare and fragile plant community. Due to the remote location and difficult terrain, most people will never get to experience the beauty of this place. I hope to change that by making photographs that will be used to educate the public about the alpine ecosystem.
Adirondack Junk Railcars
In the fall of 2017 Iowa Pacific Holdings LLC decided to start storing railcars on a line it leases along the Hudson and Boreas Rivers running north towards Tahawus. The cars were a mix of junk passenger cars and outdated tank cars. Many local government leaders and environmental groups opposed the storage of these cars on the line. I captured images of the cars and surrounding area to provide to local government and environmental groups (Adirondack Council, Protect the Adirondacks, & Adirondack Mountain Club) to aid in their efforts to oppose the storage of these cars in the Adirondack Park and on the NYS Forest Preserve.
ADK 1 Mile
Just over 70% of The Adirondack Park is within 1-mile of some form of motorized access. This photography project is meant to document and celebrate those easily accessible areas of the park in an effort to show just how common they are. There isn't a need for more drive up locations within the Adirondacks, there are already thousands of them. I encourage all those that value remote wild places to use the hashtag #ADK1Mile on social media when posting photos of locations less than a mile from a road.