Video, Locations Brendan Wiltse Video, Locations Brendan Wiltse

1 Hour Landscape Shoot: Lower Saranac Lake

A short one-hour trip to photograph Lower Saranac Lake. Not all landscape photography needs to be planned well in advance or take hours of hiking to get to a destination. This video is meant to remind us to get out and shoot, even if the light is perfect and we don't have a well-laid-out plan.

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Conservation Brendan Wiltse Conservation Brendan Wiltse

COVID-19 Highlights Value of Arts

As the world grapples with challenges of coronavirus, artists from all walks of life and around the globe are bringing much relief and perspective to our current situation. Social media feeds are filled with live music, paintings, drawings, and photography. The comments on these posts exude an appreciation for art and the relief it brings during challenging times.

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Video Brendan Wiltse Video Brendan Wiltse

1 Hour Landscape Shoot - Falls At Wilmington Notch

A short one-hour trip to photograph the Falls at Wilmington Notch. Not all landscape photography needs to be the outcome of big adventures or shot during the golden hours. Beautiful locations are hiding in plain sight, often a few steps off the road. 

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Video Brendan Wiltse Video Brendan Wiltse

Face To Face With A Smallmouth Bass!

During a recent paddling and snorkeling trip to Blue Mountain Lake I come face to face with a large smallmouth bass. Blue Mountian Lake is an iconic and beautiful Adirondack lake with crystal clear water.

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Video Brendan Wiltse Video Brendan Wiltse

Winter Landscape Photography... In The Spring!

This spring the Adirondacks have had a hard time escaping winter. Just as it appeared as though we would finally start to see wildflowers pop and trees start to leaf out, we were hit with another snowstorm. I ventured to Lower Saranac Lake to capture images of this late-season snowfall.

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