Tips Brendan Wiltse Tips Brendan Wiltse

Five Wildflower Photography Tips

My top five tips for better wildflower photos: use a tripod, shoot at a fast shutter speed, shoot on the same plane as the flower, shoot on cloudy days, and use a telephoto or macro lens.

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Tips Brendan Wiltse Tips Brendan Wiltse

How to Photograph Dogs

Not long ago I posted to my Facebook page asking whether or not my followers would like an article on how to photograph dogs, particularly black ones. Nearly twenty comments and over one hundred likes later, it was obvious people love taking photos of their dogs and want to do it better. Check out the tips below to start taking better photos of your furry four-legged friend.

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Tips Brendan Wiltse Tips Brendan Wiltse

How To Take Sharp Photos

Sharpness is a signature trait of a good photograph. To shoot sharp images you want to limited camera and subject movement. Follow the tips below to start taking tack sharp photos today.

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