Day 1,471
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,471

I often wonder if Nico closes his eyes to enhance his sense of smell.

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Day 1,470
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,470

We’ve had a busy weekend doing chores in the yard and being out on the boat.

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Day 1,469
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,469

Nico was ecstatic when he saw his favorite toy in the boat.

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Day 1,468
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,468

Nico patiently waiting for me to play with him after dinner.

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Day 1,467
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,467

Nico has mastered politely reminding me that it’s past his dinner time.

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Day 1,466
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,466

Life has been crazy busy lately, which is all good, except I don’t get to spend as much time with this little face as I would like.

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Day 1,465
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,465

Nico has a variety of facial expressions; sometimes, they are quite fun to capture on camera.

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Day 1,464
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,464

Eyes wide open when posing for a photo stands between you and a bowl of raw meat.

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Day 1,463
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,463

Sometimes, I think Nico understands more English than I give him credit for, or perhaps he’s learned to think the way I do.

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Day 1,462
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,462

Nico had a boring day. I was at the commencement ceremony for Paul Smith’s College most of the day, and Shelly was out running errands.

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Day 1,461
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,461

Nico is so stinking cute when he’s curled up on the couch.

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Day 1,460
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,460

If there is one thing Nico has learned over the past several years, it’s how to sit and look at a camera. As they say, practice makes perfect!

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Day 1,459
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,459

I’ve had later nights at work lately and have made an effort to maximize my attention to Nico when I get home.

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Day 1,458
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,458

Nico had quite a bit of entertainment tonight.

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Day 1,457
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,457

We use a lot of positive rewards with Nico to help shape his behavior.

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Day 1,456
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,456

There were scattered rain showers rolling through the area all day today, so Nico and I planned a quick adventure between the rain.

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Day 1,455
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,455

Nico joined us for a trip out to the Upper Saranac Lake Environmental Monitoring Platform so I could do some maintenance work on it.

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Day 1,454
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,454

It was such a nice afternoon that Nico spent a few hours outside.

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Day 1,453
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,453

Nico was pretty disappointed with being fed a later dinner tonight.

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Day 1,452
Brendan Wiltse Brendan Wiltse

Day 1,452

Nico was all worked up this evening because the neighbor’s cat was in our yard.

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