Day 860

The simple joy a stick can bring to a dog is delightful. Nico has plenty of toys in the yard, and often he does like to play with them, but pick up a stick and nothing else matters. To a dog, trees must be magical. They grow toys. I often wonder what wild dogs, wolves, think of sticks. Do they pick them up and run around like maniacs. Maybe when no one is looking? Or is this only a behavior domestic dogs display, perhaps trying to reconnect with their wild roots. Or, maybe its just fun and doesn’t need any more explanation.

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Nico running with a stick in his mouth


Dog Gear

Check out our favorite dog gear, toys, and treats.

Brendan Wiltse

Brendan is a professional landscape, nature, and wildlife photographer with over 20 years of experience. He holds a Ph.D. in biology from Queen’s University and is an accomplished research scientist. His photography focuses on the conservation of the natural world. He is most well known for his work photographing the Adirondack Park in upstate New York but has worked across the eastern United States and Canada.

Day 861


Day 859