Day 1,204

Nico had a blast running around the woods on a short mid-day hike with Shelly and me. He is amazing at staying close to us while off-leash and returning when recalled. We don’t let him run in areas that are likely to have other people or dogs though, because as much as it might be hard to believe, not every other person or dog loves Nico’s energy. Nico also isn’t smart enough to realize this. When we do let Nico run off-leash we make sure to seek areas we know have very low visitation. After more than 20 years of venturing around the Adirondacks, we’re lucky to know a handful of such places.

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Brendan Wiltse

Brendan is a professional landscape, nature, and wildlife photographer with over 20 years of experience. He holds a Ph.D. in biology from Queen’s University and is an accomplished research scientist. His photography focuses on the conservation of the natural world. He is most well known for his work photographing the Adirondack Park in upstate New York but has worked across the eastern United States and Canada.

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Day 1,203