Day 1,203
Nico doesn’t know what to make of the shed. On the one hand, he seems to enjoy standing in the doorway looking out across the yard. On the other hand, as soon as I start moving big items around or making even remotely loud noises, he peaces out. I’ve tried everything to get him to chill while I am working. He often ends up sitting on the front steps of our house, waiting for me to let him back inside. Khyber, on the other hand, was glued to me and would have been happy as a clam lying on the wood floor of the shed while I worked. I’m pretty sure Nico is fine with leaving me outside as long as he can snooze on the couch. Haha.
There are a lot of camera-carrying systems on the market. If you want to attach your camera to a backpack, you’ve likely come across the Peak Design Capture Clip. But there is a lesser-known product out there that is way more versatile: the Ulanzi Falcam system.