Day 1,250

It was such a nice afternoon that Nico and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to walk in the woods along the shores of Lower Saranac Lake. Nico got to run like a wild man through the woods. I’m sure he’s going to hurt himself one of these days. He jumped over a log and smashed his shoulder into a small tree in mid-air, sending him flying off to the side. I thought for sure he was hurt, but he landed on his feet, then just turned and stared at me as if to say, “You saw nothing.” Khyber got beat up a bit from running around in the woods, but the net benefit of being able to run is worth it. That’s true for both of us because I really enjoy watching a dog run through the woods.

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Brendan Wiltse

Brendan is a professional landscape, nature, and wildlife photographer with over 20 years of experience. He holds a Ph.D. in biology from Queen’s University and is an accomplished research scientist. His photography focuses on the conservation of the natural world. He is most well known for his work photographing the Adirondack Park in upstate New York but has worked across the eastern United States and Canada.

Day 1,251


Day 1,249