Day 1,234

The life of a dog can be quite strange and unpredictable, at least for my dogs. One moment you are home alone, the next you’re thrown in the back seat of a truck and find yourself going for an evening hike up a nearby mountain. Any opportunity I have to let Nico run I’ll take. He has in incredible amount of energy and enthusiasm for life that I often feel like I’m not doing enough to fullfill his needs. In an ideal world, we would both be active outside all day and crash at night. This would definitely take the edge off some of his behavioural challenges, but wearing Nico out would be a full-time job. If I could figure out a way to make a living working with him all day I would do so in a heart beat.

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Dog Gear

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Brendan Wiltse

Brendan is a professional landscape, nature, and wildlife photographer with over 20 years of experience. He holds a Ph.D. in biology from Queen’s University and is an accomplished research scientist. His photography focuses on the conservation of the natural world. He is most well known for his work photographing the Adirondack Park in upstate New York but has worked across the eastern United States and Canada.

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Day 1,233