Day 1,224

Many dogs and kids were going up and down our street this afternoon, so I took the opportunity to work with Nico on holding in his ‘place.’ A few minutes before this photo was taken, Nico was inside the house barking like a maniac at our neighbor’s dog. I brought him outside and worked with him to place him on his cot and stay there as the dog and kids walked by. Giving him a job to do and holding him accountable can help him recognize that not getting anxious and freaking out is a better choice that he can make. It always helps to work with the No Bad Dogs e-collar to ensure Nico understands what we’re asking of him. In this situation, the stimulation is so low I can’t even feel it, but we use it to mark our ‘place’ command and help remind Nico that all four paws should stay on his cot. My goal every day is to help Nico chill in more situations and control his energy.

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Brendan Wiltse

Brendan is a professional landscape, nature, and wildlife photographer with over 20 years of experience. He holds a Ph.D. in biology from Queen’s University and is an accomplished research scientist. His photography focuses on the conservation of the natural world. He is most well known for his work photographing the Adirondack Park in upstate New York but has worked across the eastern United States and Canada.

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Day 1,223