Brendan Wiltse

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Day 1,530

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on how much Nico has taught me about accountability. Our dog trainer taught us how important it is to hold Nico accountable. When we give him a command, he has to do it; not following the command isn’t an option. But they also taught us that we must be fair in holding him accountable. If he doesn’t understand the command, it’s not fair to hold him accountable for it. Similarly, if he didn’t hear the command clearly, it would not be fair to hold him accountable. Nico has also taught me that accountability is a two-way street and he holds me accountable for my actions as well. If I don’t walk him every day, treat him with love and respect, feed him on time, and respect his boundaries he holds me accountable. Having shared accountability has made our relationship so much better. I’m confident Nico would say the same.

Many thanks to my Patreon supporters for making this series possible. Support through Patreon allows me to focus on projects like this.

Gear Used For This Shot

Sony A7RIV - Sony 50mm f/1.2

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