Brendan Wiltse

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Day 1,463

Sometimes, I think Nico understands more English than I give him credit for, or perhaps he’s learned to think the way I do. When I saw this boulder in the woods, I said, “Oh, I wonder if we can get a shot of Nico jumping off this.” The words had barely finished coming out of my mouth, and Nico was soaring through the air beside me to jump up onto the boulder. Also, if you haven’t figured it out yet, Nico isn’t exactly the most graceful dog in the world. This shot of him sending it off the boulder pretty much sums up his approach to life.

Many thanks to my Patreon supporters for making this series possible. Support through Patreon allows me to focus on projects like this.

Gear Used For This Shot

Sony A7RIV - Sony 50mm f/1.2

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