Brendan Wiltse

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Day 1,201

Whenever I feed Nico, he gives me the saddest puppy dog eyes as he waits for the “break” command to start eating. I always think of the Oliver Twist line “Please sir, can I have some more?” It’s really a strange relationship we have with our dogs, we control when they eat, what they eat, how much they eat, and when they get to go to the bathroom. While I sometimes find myself feeling bad for Nico because of all this, I quickly remember how he has it made. He doesn’t have to decide what to eat, how much to eat, or when to eat, and while he has to wait for us to let him go to the bathroom, we jump as soon as he stands by the door. On top of all that, he gets to lounge around the house all day, has a basket full of toys, and has multiple beds around the house. I think he’s got a pretty good life and I would happily trade spots with him if I could.

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